Ganz aktueller praktischer Leitfaden vom IFAB. Die Übersetzung ist mir leider zu aufwändig.
Es wird klargestellt, dass ein Spieler auch sich selbst gefährdet, wenn er versucht den Ball mit Kopf zu spielen, der sehr am Boden ist und ihn ein Gegenspieler oder auch Mitspieler dabei treten könnte.
Tatsächlich muss für GeSp kein Gegner aus Angst vor einer Verletzung am Spielen gehindert werden.
Des Weiteren wird auch zum Zweikampf differenziert. Wenn beide um den Ball kämpfen, liegt kein geSp vor. Voraussetzung für GeSp ist neben dem fehlenden Kontakt auch, dass es in der Regel unabsichtlich erfolgt.
GeSp selbst kann daher auch nicht direkt zu Karten führen, sondern nur die ggf. taktische Auswirkung.
Offen bleibt leider z. B. immer noch, ab wann ein Spieler denn wirklich gefährdet ist.
Hier das Original:
Practical advice for referees
Playing in a dangerous manner (PIADM) is any action that, while trying to play the ball, threatens injury to someone.
1️⃣ A player may be penalised for PIADM if the action threatens injury to the player themselves – this kind of offence is not only related to an opposing player.
Example: a player attempts to play the ball with the head while the ball is low to the ground and puts themself at risk of being kicked by a team-mate/an opponent.
2️⃣ Law 12.2 states that PIADM (…) ‘includes preventing a nearby opponent from playing the ball for fear of injury’, however, this does not have to occur for a player to be penalised!
The player, who tries to play the ball and threatens injury to the opponent, may be penalised for PIADM even if their action does not prevent the opponent from playing the ball.
3️⃣ A player may be penalised for a bicycle or scissors kick only if it is dangerous to an opponent.
Playing in a dangerous manner is penalised with:
➡ an indirect free kick – if there is no contact with an opponent
➡ a direct free kick/penalty kick – if there is contact (no matter how small)
In principle, playing in a dangerous manner is NOT punished with a caution (yellow card, YC) or sending-off (red card, RC).
A player is shown:
➡ a yellow card – if PIADM stops a promising attack
➡ a red card – if PIADM denies the opposing team a goal or an obvious goal-scoring opportunity
What is the difference between playing in a dangerous manner and…
1️⃣ …a tackle/challenge for the ball?
A challenge is an action when a player competes/contests with an opponent for the ball i.e. the challenge involves the opponent also trying to play/control the ball.
Playing in dangerous manner may not be a challenge for the ball for example a bicycle kick which is dangerous to an opponent who is standing still and not moving towards the ball.
2️⃣ …an attempt to kick, trip or strike an opponent?
The attempted offences are deliberate. If a player attempts to kick, trip or strike an opponent in a manner considered by the referee to be careless, reckless or using excessive force, a direct free kick/penalty kick is awarded even if no contact is made.
Playing in a dangerous manner is usually unintended (accidental) and thus only an indirect free kick offence if there is no contact.